PXB – Firmware Updater

Firmware Updater

This software is to update the firmware version of the PXB Series.



Last update



  • Applicable products: PXB series

You can update the product’s firmware by using a USB memory device.
Updating is not available while an alarm is occurring or when the voltage coming from the DC OUTPUT terminal exceeds 30 V.

Do not update in parallel operation, please update after switching to standalone operation.
The system version of all PXB series units to be operated in parallel must be the same.

Update method

Save the update files (Update.img, CHECKSUM.md5) in the root directory of the USB memory device. Do not change the names of the update files.

Update procedure

  1. Press System on the homepage.
  2. Swipe to the left, or press the → key three times and press Update. An update screen appears.
  3. Swipe to the left, or press the → key.
  4. Insert the USB memory device on which the update files have been saved into the USB port on the front panel, and then press Execute.
  5. Press OK > Enter.
    The update process begins. Do not turn off the POWER switch while updating is in progress. Do not remove the USB memory device. When pressing the ESCAPE, updating is cancelled and it restarts.
  6. When “Remove the USB media and turn the device off” is displayed, remove the USB memory device.
  7. Turn the POWER switch off, leave it for 10 seconds or more, then turn on power again.
    Updating is complete.

Next, check that the firmware has been updated properly.

Firmware version check procedure

Press System > Model Info on the homepage.
Model Name, Serial Number, and System Version are displayed.
After the update has been completed properly, reset the PXB to its factory default conditions.

Factory default reset procedure

  1. Swipe to the right, or press the ← key on the homepage.
  2. Press Memory.
  3. Swipe to the left, or press the → key and press Sanitize.
  4. Press Initiate.
  5. Press OK.
  6. When “PLEASE REBOOT” is displayed, turn off the POWER switch, and wait for 10 seconds or more before turning it on again.
    This will revert to the factory default setting.

This completes the firmware update task.

※After rebooting, the error messages of “-314 Save/recall memory lost” and “-315 Configuration memory lost” always appear, but they are not abnormal. l. To remove the error messages, press CLR on the SCPI error screen or turn the power off and then back on.


Release note

Ver 3.25

PXB firmware

Resolved issues
Fixed the issue where an OUTP command is sometimes not applied when sending a specific command immediately after sending the OUTP command.
Ver 3.24

PXB firmware

Resolved issues
Resolved the issue where the Output key can not be operated for a certain period of time while drawing a graph at the View Chart of the Measure function.
Resolved issues
Resolved the issue where values that differ from the edited ones are shown in the list of steps being executed when creating, editing, and immediately executing a sequence program by the SCPI command while the sequence execution screen is displayed.
Resolved issues
Resolved the issue where an alarm sounds when setting a value other than the default value and restarting the system on the sine function of the CV mode.
Resolved issues
Because an error occurs on the browser when starting the measurement on the main unit while acquiring measurement data on the Logging screen of the web browser interface, resolved to display a notification on the web browser prompting you to update when a new measurement starts.
Ver 3.23

PXB firmware

Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that in external control during parallel operation, if L ALARM OUT was set and the power switch was turned off, overcurrent protection (OCP) was incorrectly detected and the L ALARM OUT signal was output.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that when continuously transmitting SCPI commands via LAN communication, the data frame of LAN communication became empty and communication was occasionally interrupted.
Ver 3.22

PXB firmware

Resolved issues
Fixed the issue of false detection of synchronized operation connections under certain conditions.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that when EXT_SEAM was selected in the output mode setting, the EXT_SEAM function remained even after switching to another function.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that when recalling the setup memory, the frequency and duty cycle of the pulse waveform in CC mode became the same values as the various settings in CV mode.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue in the amplitude setting limit for the sine function in CV mode.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that the correction value of the sine waveform in CV mode could not be changed to a negative value using the rotary knob.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that when executing a sequence, if the setting in the same step was set to CC_SINE for the output mode and CC_RAMP for the output setting value transition method, the sequence did not operate properly.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that the buzzer sound and display brightness settings were initialized when returned to the reset setting.
Resolved issues
Fixed the CSV file format that can be handled by the Web browser interface.
VER 3.20

PXB firmware

Added VMCB function.
VER 3.10

PXB firmware

Improvement due to specification change of the input method for “Time” of step execution time in the sequence function from ms to hh:mm:ss.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue in the I-V characteristic function that the VI setting data may become the initial state when the power is turned on.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that the output may not be turned on when EXT or EXT_SEAM is selected in the output mode setting.
Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that MEM1 ACT TIME, MEM2 ACT TIME and EXT DIN BUSY signals are not turned on in general digital output setting.
VER 3.02

PXB firmware

Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that regenerative operation may not be performed when I-V characteristic function is used in CC mode.
VER 3.01

PXB firmware

Resolved issues
Fixed the issue that LAN communication may be disrupted.

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