TOS3200 – Applications (TOS3200 Assist)


TOS3200 Applications (TOS3200 Assist)

“TOS3200 Assist” is a utility software that enables Leakage Current Tester TOS3200 to be used more conveniently and effectively. This software enables you writing and reading TOS3200 test condition, reading test result, test control (execution and stop), reading measured leakage current value, and other functions. The connection of TOS3200 and the personal computer is only USB.



Last update



To use this software, download the file, and execute Setup.exe after decompressing the ZIP file. This software requires VISA Library, and the automatic setup will start at installation. If the Library has already been installed, the setup will not start.

Operation Manual:TOS3200AssistManEng.pdf (700kB)


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